Electric smart meters
Monitor and control electrical consumption in pitchs, bungalows, moorings, etc. Turn a variable expense into added value and fight costs off.
Monitor and control electrical consumption in pitchs, bungalows, moorings, etc. Turn a variable expense into added value and fight costs off.
Control pitch by pitch the behavior of the electrical supply (amps, kWh, schedules, etc.) in the easiest and most intuitive way. Forget about complex technical details.
Control the electrical supply of all your facilities and detect any anomalies, excessive consumption, fraud, etc. at a glance.
Ffrom various manufacturers with different power ratings and sizes to adapt to the available space in the cabinet. There are also three-phase meters for installations such as swimming pools, central heater, restaurant, etc.
Powernet-Camping can be integrated into existing PMS at no additional cost from our side. We can customize to your particular needs.
Live view your electricity consumption and detect anomalies or any other event.
Cloud based, you can use it anywhere and with any device (computer, tablet, mobile).
We do not use WIFI (coverage problems and interference with clients) nor PLC (affected by streetlights, motors, sockets, etc.). We use LoraWAN radio transmission.
Connect the pitch supply from reception only when there is a customer. Set amperage and power limits to avoid unexpected costs. Schedule outlet disconnections to avoid human error.
Allow the customer to monitor their consumption and let them purchase additional energy online.
Service includes unlimited assistance and replacement of faulty equipment at no additional cost.
Since electricity is no longer free and unlimited, customers are looking for more efficient alternatives like gas bottles.
Equipments takes up little space but if it does not fit in your cabinet we will help you in the search for a solution.
We work with meters from several recognized manufacturers. We offer unlimited warranty during the term of the contract.
Powernet-Camping have been presented at
La Puebla de Castro, Huesca.
Carchuna, Granada.
Managed pitchs
Managed GWh
M€ saved